CORRECTIONS (1971, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1985, 1987, 2002, 2003)

Support for:
  1. Alternatives to incarceration in state prisons, e.g., community correctional facilities, halfway houses, group homes and other community-based services.
  2. A well-staffed correctional system which provides effective training and adequate salaries for correctional services staff.
  3. A probation system that:
    • a. is an integral and adequately funded component of the correctional system.
    • b. facilitates the behavioral change of clients through cooperation and interaction among community, agency, and departmental resources. These resources, including substance abuse programs, work empowerment, parenting skills, mental health counseling, and child/sex abuse treatment should be available to every client who needs them.
    • c. recruits and retains probation agents; provides a career ladder for field agents and gives them manageable workloads, time flexibility and office resources to do in-depth risk and needs assessment, develop treatment plans, make referrals for services, assist in getting clients accepted in programs, and follow up on client participation in programs. There should be appropriate office facilities, private space, and technological and clerical support to allow agents sufficient involvement with clients.
    • d. includes intensive as well as lower levels of supervision of clients.
  4. A Maryland prison system which:
    • a.  adopts, monitors and enforces standards which provide a humane physical and psychological setting.
    • b. provides useful activities for a substantial part of the work week.
    • c. has adequate programs which create and enhance self-worth and facilitate community reintegration and economic self-sufficiency, including substance abuse treatment programs throughout incarceration.
    • d. provides ongoing counseling programs.
    • e. provides education, literacy, and vocational training.
    • f.  provides reintegration services for all inmates prior to release and encouragement, with strong incentives, to participate in these programs.
    • g. has space, security, and staff adequate to support program activities.
  5. The correctional system's active encouragement of the use of qualified and trained volunteers.
  6. A significant citizen role in setting, reviewing, and monitoring correctional policy.
  7. The use of pre-sentence investigations.